In this insightful excerpt from “Entrepreneurial Trinity,” Brian Sullivan shares a valuable lesson learned on the golf course with his son. This lesson, encapsulated in the mantra “Next hole, new hole,” offers a powerful strategy for overcoming setbacks and...
In this insightful excerpt from “Entrepreneurial Trinity,” Brian Sullivan shares a valuable lesson learned on the golf course that translates perfectly to the business world. This story emphasizes the importance of using the right tools and resources to avoid...
Brian Sullivan shares a profound conversation that took place on the golf course in another heartfelt excerpt from “Entrepreneurial Trinity,”. This discussion highlights the core values of faith and family, emphasizing how they contribute to building confidence and maintaining...
In another deeply moving letter, Mary Jo Sullivan recounts a challenging yet transformative chapter in their family’s journey. This excerpt from “Entrepreneurial Trinity” shares the story of Finn’s surgery and the strength, flexibility, and unwavering love that guided their...
In another touching letter, Mary Jo Sullivan recounts the emotional journey of adopting their daughter, Grace, from Haiti. This excerpt from “Entrepreneurial Trinity” beautifully captures the highs and lows of the process and the deep bonds formed along the...